To promote and encourage the craft for machine knitting in NSW
The story behind our Knitting Association
NSW Machine Knitters promote and encourage the craft of machine knitting within NSW.
We are a statewide association based in NSW, Australia since the 1980s. Our aim is to bring together those who practise, or wish to practise machine knitting and associated techniques.
We aim to
Educate people to increase their knowledge, understanding and skills in machine knitting.
Engage with the community on the art of machine knitting.
Promote machine knitting within NSW.
Give to others through machine knitting for charity.
We do this by
Providing demonstrations, workshops, exhibitions, and teaching.
Providing resource materials, disseminating information, and publishing a quarterly Newsletter.
Participating in community shows, events, including prizes and assisting with machine knitting judging.
Facilitating sales, repairs and maintenance of knitting machines, parts and yarns.
Supporting knitting machine groups and clubs within NSW, Australia.
Our values are:
Integrity – operating ethically and responsibly with everyone we come across
Respect – for all knitters and non-knitters from all walks of life
Generosity – giving of our time, knowledge, and knitting
Friendship – forging bonds through the joy of machine knitting
Collaboration – working together
Current Committee
President - Phillippa Bourke
Secretary - Eleanor Goldfinch
Treasurer - Margaret Tulloh
Newsletter Editor - Margaret Tulloh
Committee Members
Liz McNally
Mac McCallum
Lorna Roache